WELCO FERTILITY TECH_Live Performance Film Installation produced with DYSPLA as part of an immersive piece for Theatre Delicatessen's Spaced - Souk Festival
The event took place at Marylebone Gardens, London on the 17th - 22nd March 2014.
For further information about this and all future DYSPLA projects, please contact us.
For further information about this and all future DYSPLA projects, please contact us.
Key creatives Lennie Varvarides and Kazimir Bielecki invite audience members to shed their ideas of the world they know in 2014, and go on a journey to 2060, where they have been found to have perfect DNA and are asked to attend Welco Fertility Tech’s open day – to find out if they can become parents. Personally invited by the Automaton “Oto” (Kate Elliott), the audience will be introduced to Welco and screened for parenthood by Welco techs Nicolai (Christopher Kouros), Finn (Elidh Nairn on 17, 19, 21, and 22 March) and Estelle (Louise Morell on 18 and 20 March). In the end, it is the audience who decides how much they are willing to pay to join the experience – and how much their child is worth to them.