
Workers of Tomorrow is a series of Augmented Reality billboard posters, 4 films and 2 essays. An artwork of socialist science fiction exposing a near future where humanity has been lost through the metamorphosis of jobs.

"We don't want your jobs, we want your souls"

Mirroring Fredrich Engels’ depiction of ‘Social Murder’ in 1845, this work of art depicts the world of 2099, where our unique humanity has been drained through digital colonialism. Poverty and hoarded resources force our workers into capitalist zombification, void of individualist humanity, undemonstrative to avoid offense, to remain productive.
Artist: DYSPLA (Lennie Varvarides, Kazimir Bielecki)
Title: Workers of Tomorrow
Year: 2024
Digital Sculptures: 4 x .gITF, 78mb  (approx.)
Film: 4 x 5min (approx.), 4k, .mp4
Billboard posters: 12 x (1x15m) blue backed billboard paper, 130gsm 
Essay: 3854 words

This work was created utilising innovative technologies in collaboration with Artificial Intelligence, creating Augmented Reality 3D Digital Sculptures and accompanying fictionalised text.

This project was part of the Festival of Industry being delivered by Enfield Council and funded by the Arts Council's Place Partnership Initiative. (images below) For more information about the Festival of Industry visit

© DYSPLA 2024
WORK ENQUIRIES +44 (0) 7917157748