Creative Director and Producer
Kazimir Bielecki
An award winning neurodivergent artist Kazimir creates moving image and installation work with a strong narrative of social conscience and equality.
“In 2019 I directed and produced two Art Council England funded VR installations. ‘Two Women’, an intimate 360 film created for The Arts and Science Festival of Birmingham University and the BeatFreeks collective was featured as part of the Festival of Audacity. My second project, ‘Body of the Gods’ was commissioned by Bath University for the PASCCAL research group, and was presented at Asia House and The Canvas Gallery in London.
In 2018 I won Best Artist Film at the Aesthetica Film Festival for a dual channel moving image piece ‘Author of Expectation’, a collaboration with Lewisham College, funded by A New Direction. I have also produced the ACE funded installation FIGHT, which was presented at the Crypt Gallery in London; at an installation in Birmingham New Street Station, and exhibited at the Autism Arts Festival 2019 and Aesthetica Festival 2019.
Kazimir Bielecki
An award winning neurodivergent artist Kazimir creates moving image and installation work with a strong narrative of social conscience and equality.
“In 2019 I directed and produced two Art Council England funded VR installations. ‘Two Women’, an intimate 360 film created for The Arts and Science Festival of Birmingham University and the BeatFreeks collective was featured as part of the Festival of Audacity. My second project, ‘Body of the Gods’ was commissioned by Bath University for the PASCCAL research group, and was presented at Asia House and The Canvas Gallery in London.
In 2018 I won Best Artist Film at the Aesthetica Film Festival for a dual channel moving image piece ‘Author of Expectation’, a collaboration with Lewisham College, funded by A New Direction. I have also produced the ACE funded installation FIGHT, which was presented at the Crypt Gallery in London; at an installation in Birmingham New Street Station, and exhibited at the Autism Arts Festival 2019 and Aesthetica Festival 2019.