Do you censor your own ART?

Book WORKSHOP tickets HERE  (£5+booking fee)                                                                                                                                                   
A workshop exploring the fear of one's own thoughts.
1-on-1 with DYSPLA's artists we will explore ideas around freedom of expression and self censorship in creative practice. How does your world determine your practice and how do you achieve authenticity?

This workshop will be recorded audibly, anonymised and the participant will be captured in 3D, using Structured Light 3D scanners. After processing, the participant will be able to take home their individual digital sculpture, which will be exhibited at a future DYSPLA exhibition.  

4pm - 8pm
29th May - 1st June 2024                                                                                           

9b Battersea Square, London SW11 3RA                                                 

© DYSPLA 2025
WORK ENQUIRIES +44 (0) 7917157748